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How Does a PDO Thread Lift Work?


PDO is an office treatment performed under local anesthesia. Place the thread in the area of the face where the skin actually begins to sag due to the loss of collagen and subcutaneous fat. Losing this scaffolding weakens the skin's frame. The PDO rope holds the tissue in place and provides additional assistance to the lower layers.

When Threads are placed under the skin, they promote the body's healing response. People will definitely notice a gradual increase in the softness and flexibility of the skin as the body naturally produces new collagen and cells regenerate over time.

Collagen is a protein normally produced by the human body. It is an important part of the skin and helps keep the skin strong and elastic. Still, as we age, the body produces less collagen, which can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and lead to wrinkles and sagging skin.

There is essentially no downtime after PDO rope lifting, and patients can usually return to normal work immediately after surgery. However, some customers experience mild discomfort, swelling, and redness, which usually goes away within a few days.


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